

Mountain Biking Metal Punks!


Mountain Biking Metal Punks!

Photo by Kyle Kelley

Camo shorts, check. Disma shirt, check. Neon enduro MTB, check. Thanks for the throwback thursday, Tracko! It’s my birthday today, so I went on a bike ride and took a nap.

Sorry for the slow afternoon on the site…

Some 2015 Sea Otter Classic Randoms


Some 2015 Sea Otter Classic Randoms

As a first time attendee at Sea Otter Classic, I had no idea what to expect. Everyone I spoke to assured me that it would be hell on Earth, with wind, sun, locusts and boils (read: hangovers). Rather than some apocalyptic wasteland, I found it to be quite accessible, friendly and casual. Especially when compared to the chaos of Interbike, Eurobike and even NAHBS. All of which I rarely have time to talk to people while there…

No one enjoys trade shows. Not the people in the booths, not the people photographing the booths, yet most of the people I chatted with were surprisingly relaxed and dare I say, stoked to be there. Most of the major brands had already launched their big products and a lot of the smaller brands were more interested in building relationships with media outlets by sharing a beer or loaning sunblock, rather than getting some shitty booth photo taken.

Sea Otter landed itself right after Eroica and a little bikepacking trip I took with Blackburn, so maybe that’s why it was so relaxing for me. I had no obligations, aspirations, hopes or dreams and yet, I got to talk to people and shoot photos when I saw the opportunity arise. Obviously, a lot of those bikes will have their own galleries (many already have), so expect nothing but randomness in this photoset. Yeah, it’s a little skimpy, but I’d rather share these photos than delete them.

Next year, if I attend again, I will however bring a better hat, more sunblock and a damn MTB…

Team Dream’s House of Cats and Stripes


Team Dream’s House of Cats and Stripes

Who would have guessed that Team Dream‘s HQ would be filled with cats and stripes?

I’m in Los Angeles this week and the House of Cats and Stripes will be my home base. The usual suspects and myself will be doing rides and hopefully, coming up with some great stories along the way. For now, I leave you with this photo of Blueberry Pancake, one of Sean’s cats. That’s PK for short…

The Radavist Approved: Serota’s Underarm Balm


The Radavist Approved: Serota’s Underarm Balm

I know this isn’t cycling-oriented, unless you’re the smelly guy in the pack…

Over the past three years, I’ve helped my partner Lauren develop an all-natural deodorant at our home in Austin. I’d grown tired of hippie options and found most of them didn’t work anyway. After mixing various essential oils together, Lauren came up with a recipe that not only worked, but was remarkably effective over long periods of time.

From the hot summer months, to wearing layers upon layers in the winter time, Serota’s Underarm Balm works for me, as well as a few of my close friends who received early batches. I’ve been using it for three years and couldn’t be happier. We’ll also be developing a special Radavist scent over the next few weeks.

At any rate, I’m stoked for my partner as she launches a new brand.

You can read all about it, including how to apply, what it’s made from and read testimonials at UnderarmBalm.com, or if you’d like to pick up a container, it’s $19 shipped in the USA. Each container lasts around 3-months, depending how often you apply.


How Japan Parks Their Bikes

Just like everything Japanese, their new parking system is done with order and care. The interior shots of this machine are wild. I’d hate to see a “jam” in the system though.


The Vain Vagrant

Beer, tattoos, beards and mountain bikes. Pretty standard issue, huh? Not hardly. This one’s weird, but well worth the watch, just make sure you stick around until the end…



If the drop bears, hoop snakes or river water don’t get ya, then the dreaded boxing ‘roos will. Check it out as a boxing kangaroo nails this cyclist with a mean right hook.

#LARiverCampCoffee with the Los Angeles County Coffee Connoisseurs


#LARiverCampCoffee with the Los Angeles County Coffee Connoisseurs

Every Wednesday, a group of coffee enthusiasts wake up with the sun, pack their camping coffee setups on their bikes and meet in a small park on the LA river. There’s no requisite, just make coffee, chat and partake in the occasional donut.

Errin Vasquez organizes this gathering, which I first found out about on Instagram and this week, I got to hang out with this growing meeting at the Sunnynook River Park. Along with capturing the general vibes, I followed Jesse Carmody‘s brewing technique and shot photos of Errin’s Box Dog Bikes Pelican randonneur bike.

The Radavist Holiday Kinda Sorta Need List


The Radavist Holiday Kinda Sorta Need List

Let’s face it, if you’re reading this blog, chances are, you don’t really need anything, in the survival sense. Sure, the holidays are great for many things, most of which bearing more importance than sharing gifts. Bike rides, warm drinks, hiking, camping, all of which are for the most part, free for you to share with friends and family.

That said, it’s a lot of fun sharing gifts and whatever, it’s a once a year kinda thing. Most of these gifts are gauged around lifestyle and camping but all have a place in your day-to-day use.

Every holiday season, we compile a list of products that have piqued our interest here at the Radavist. Most of which are made domestically, be it Japan, Germany, the US and the UK. This year, because I know everyone’s on a budget we’re doing it a bit different, offering up alternatives that are more affordable… Only because I don’t want this list to be alienating.

When you can, buy locally. Did you know your local bike shop can also order camping gear from QBP? Now you do!

Check out the Radavist Holiday Kinda Sorta Need List below!

Where Did Summer Go?


Where Did Summer Go?

I’ve been trying to pull together a Gallery from all of the summer road trips (and rolls of film) shot this year, but am waiting for the weather to get much worse. Although, it seems everyone’s dealing with record lows.

Regardless, looking at photos like this make me miss sun burns and late sunsets…

Tools of the trade:
Mamiya 7ii / 80mm
Kodak Porta 400


Ghost Peloton

This one’s interesting:

“Created for the grand depart of the Tour de France 2014 from Yorkshire, Ghost Peloton fuses performance cycling with athletic choreography performed by Phoenix Dance Theatre’s dancers, and the varied landscapes of race route.

Each rider, bike and performer was illuminated using NVA’s bespoke LED light suit, which can instantaneously change colour, flash-rate and luminosity. The rhythm of movement from the choreographed actions of massed participants becomes a source of creativity in itself, extending perception of the immediate setting.

It’s epic public art, operating at the grandest scale, where physical surroundings become an open canvas carrying a new visual language, expressing mood and movement, comprised of form, colour and line.”


Austin Waves

I spy Andre – the guy who ships all your orders, Ryan Rhodes – half of LAND and Aaron Ross – pro bmx duder, just to name a few. And yeah, it’s really like this here.