One thing you’ve noticed about this site is that I promote anything my friends are currently involved in. It doesn”t matter if it’s cycling-related or not, our lives are usually multi-faceted. Whether you’re a graphic designer, architect, fashion designer, dj, whatever, I’ll always promote what my boys and girls are passionate about. Nate recently invested all of his time and money into opening a tattoo shop in the East Village. Since moving here over a year ago, Nate has been struggling to find his niche in the Rotten Apple.
When he first told me he was going to open a tattoo shop in NYC I was skeptical. It’s a lot of work to start your own business in the city. A few weeks later, he’s got a space, a shop design and a handful of talented artists. Shortly afterwards he had a name, Thicker Than Water. The shop is finished and it’s time to have an proper kick-off. Help Nate and the gang celebrate their love and head to the opening party. If you book an appointment at the party, you’ll get a special rate. If not, just come and hang out.
Big ups to the crew over there and Nate, I’m beyond stoked for you man. Congrats!
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