
Mission Workshop _ PiNP Bike Tour: Day 06

After our ride yesterday, we all passed out early and woke up ready to spin our legs. There’s a nice climb around the corner from our lodge, so the track bike guys from Factory 5 and I headed out for a juant. Seeing those guys crush a Cat 3 climb on track bikes was once again, impressive. Meanwhile, I was shooting photos of them and the scenic roads. Short, sweet, 10 miles and 1,300′ that provided ample photo opportunities.

The only other thing on our agenda was to hike through the bamboo forest, which proved to be quite the experience. It was incredible seeing the farmers mark, harvest and load up the 30′ stalks in such efficient order. Even though the air here in Moganshan is clean, there’s still an eerie haze floating about the hills…

Check out some narrated photos in the Gallery and keep an eye on Mission Workshop’s (@MissionWorkshop), Factory 5 (@Factory5) and my Instagram (@JohnProlly) during the day for updates.