Loose Legs Pre-NACCC Road Ride


Loose Legs Pre-NACCC Road Ride


I’ve been talking about doing this for a few weeks now and it’s finally happening. This week, if you’re in town for the NACCC, come out to a Friday morning road ride. Our route will be hilly and there will be a no-drop policy in play. This isn’t a smash fest, just a casual pace but it will require a lot of climbing so dress and gear accordingly. As the flier implies, some of the climbs are steep so if you ride this fixed, you will be applauded. Here’s a general feel for the route.

We’ll meet up at Frank on 4th & Colorado at 8:30am with wheels down at 9am. If you want breakfast and coffee, come a little earlier, like 8am.

After the ride, we’ll swing through Barton Springs for a quick dip so bring $3 to get into the park.

PLEASE, if you’re counting on being there, leave a comment so I can warn the barista at Frank ok?