Remember that viral video called Bike Thief that made a huge stir on the internet about the security of bicycle parking in NYC? Or the video of the guy crossing the Holland Tunnel on his bike? Those were just two of the many videos the Neistat Brothers have made over the years. HBO has recognized the two Bicycle Film Festival alumnis and will be giving them their own show called quit simply, The Neistat Brothers. starting this week here in NYC with an special sneak preview of the first two episodes.
Details are below, including how to get in for FREE!
Wednesday, June 2nd
HBO presents
The Neistat Brothers
A special sneak preview of the first two episodes of The Neistat Brothers, a handmade home-movie TV show, on HBO created by Rooftop Films alums, Casey and Van Neistat. The Neistat Brothers premieres on Friday, June 4 at Midnight on HBO.
The Neistat Brothers Venue: Solar One at East 23rd Street on the East River (Kip’s Bay, Manhattan).
8:00pm: Doors Open
8:45pm: Live music by Keepaway
9:00pm: Episodes 1 & 2 of The Neistat Brothers
10:15pm: Meet the stars at a reception and enjoy complimentary drinks courtesy of Radeberger Pilsner
Admission: No charge for admission with RSVP