Chukker Update


Chukker Update


I have to admit, I’m impressed with Velocity. They contacted me while back about their B43 and we spoke a bit about a trick rim. Through our correspondence, they determined there was a market for a wider Deep V and a deeper Deep V.

A few days later, I got an email saying they wanted to send me a prototype Chukker. I Fedex’d them my hubs and 2 days later, I have a new wheelset all laced up. Not that there was anything wrong with the G6000s I was riding, but the curiosity set in. So now I’m riding these rims. They look beefy as fuck. Great profile, great shape and feel solid. Basically, they’re wider Deep Vs. I’m gonna ride them for a bit and keep everyone updated.

Sorry for the shitty pic! Will update later on.

Yes, that’s a 38c tire on the front.