Bikes or Death Sat Down in Santa Fe with John Watson from the Radavist for Episode 69


Bikes or Death Sat Down in Santa Fe with John Watson from the Radavist for Episode 69

Episode 69? On 4.20? Three days before my 40th birthday? Why not? lol

A few weeks ago, Patrick from Bikes or Death swung through Santa Fe after hanging with Matt from the Monumental Loop in Las Cruces. We sat down in our new office here in town and chatted about the beginnings of the Radavist, photography, land acknowledgment, and other topics relevant to many of your interests. Patrick is a great guy and spending my Sunday afternoon with him was a real treat. As someone who tries to stay behind the scenes here as much as possible on the site, it’s a great insight into what makes me tick. Check out my ramblings in Episode 69 at Bikes or Death.

If you have questions or comments after the interview, drop them in the comments and I’ll answer them today.

Side note: we’re getting our second shots today! Woooohoooo!