Rapha: Rendezvous iPhone App


Rapha: Rendezvous iPhone App


I had a chuckle at this one!

“We all know the problem. Organizing a ride with friends. Or maybe not friends, more likely adversarial training partners, or perhaps someone you have never ridden with before. Arranging meeting for a ride can be a thankless task spread over a multitude of devices and communication methods.

And then, further to this complication of arrangement is the uncertainty involved in the act of meeting. An unforeseen puncture, a headwind from hell, getting lost, another unforeseen puncture (after two they become foreseen) – the epic could begin before the planned epic (or perhaps just a light training spin) has even begun. “Where the hell is Fausto?”

No more.”

Rapha Rendezvous for iPhone is coming soon.