Transient Messenger Bags in NYC


Transient Messenger Bags in NYC

Bill’s bag in yellow

A couple weeks ago, Alex from Transient Bags sent two messengers in NYC samples of his forthcoming Messenger Bags. Bill and Joey have been working in the bags every day since and today, I met up with them to take some photos. Check the rest out below.

Joey’s bag in pink

Bill’s bag with cell pouch attached

Silhouette of the bag flattened

Strap padding

Joey said the strap was well-padded and comfortable. More so than other bags he’s had.

Nice detailing

Both guys had good things to say about the Transient Messenger Bag. They each named a few minor adjustments they’d like to see for the production models, but overall they’re pleased.

Big thanks to Alex at Transient for hooking them up and I can’t wait to see how the production run turns out. Expect them sometime in the Spring of 2010. Below are some pictures of Bill’s and Joey’s bikes.

Joey’s Volume Cutter


Bill’s cracked top tube fix

Thanks to Bill and Joey for meeting me on my lunch break! Expect more details to follow on the production Transient Messenger Bag and possibly more field updates from the guys.

Transient Messenger Bag Spring 2010
Transient Messenger Bags
Transient Bags