OPFD Summer Shorts Giveaway!


OPFD Summer Shorts Giveaway!

WTF is OPFD? Outlier | Prolly Fathers Day! Duh.

Without our dad’s we wouldn’t be here riding our bikes. So in honor of our dad’s Outlier and Prolly Is Not Probably are teaming up Brooklyn style to create #OPFD, the Father’s Day Contest to win free shit shorts. That’s right, Father’s Day basically marks the start of summer and we are giving away a pair of Outlier’s Summer Shorts.

Step 1:
Cut a hole in the box.
If you don’t have a twitter account, get one.

Step 2:
Follow @JohnProlly and @OutlierTailored

Step 3:
Use all your resources to come up with the best picture of a dad you can find. Bonus points if it involves bikes, cracks us up and all around creativity. But really anything goes, the winner is whichever photo we think we like the most.

Step 4:
Post it to your twitter account and use the hash tag #OPFD in your post (That stands for Outlier Prolly Father’s Day.) This is how we track all the pics.

Step 5:
That’s it. On Father’s Day we pick the best one and if you’ve won we’ll send you a direct message on Monday. Best picture will get posted and you’ll win a pair of the Outlier Summer Shorts. Easy.